homeschool goals and planning printable

Free Homeschool Goals + Planning Printable

Set your family up for a great Fall, filled with intention and growth, using the FREE Homeschool Goals and Planning Printable. This simple and valuable tool is definitely something you want to include going into the school year.


  • The format is short and sweet, but still encompasses the whole child--mind, body, and soul.
  • It can be used for all ages, even adults!
  • Each goal comes with an Action Step section to write a few steps that will help in achieving the goal.
  • The printable is black/white for EASY printing!

Schedule 10 minute chats with each child to sit down with a snack and talk through goal ideas for each category.


  • Schedule 15 minute chats with each child to sit down with a snack and talk through goal ideas for each category.
  • Let your child take ownership of the process. Their goals will be more meaningful to them.
  • Stay POSITIVE with how you talk about areas of improvement, and purposefully point out their strengths too.
  • Let your child decorate/color their goal sheet and hang it in a central area so they don't forget their goals.
  • Schedule a "Goals Check" in 2 weeks to see how they are doing with the goals and do any additional tweaking.
  • When you see your child excelling with a certain goal or intentionally working toward it, put a sticker next to that goal as positive reinforcement.
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